How do sponsored posts make money?

What Is A Sponsored Review And How to Get Started    

At Getinstaup, you must have read several guides on how you can earn money online via blogging. Today, we will add another lucrative opportunity to our list for you to potentially make a significant income. It is Sponsored Reviews.

Typically, when you use an ad network such as AdSenseMedia.netPropellerAds or any other, you need to wait for a long time to get paid. Furthermore, you only get a few cents per click. A sponsored review, on the other hand, allows you to to make far more money in a single shot.

Apart from putting a sponsored post on your blog, you can also earn money by publishing sponsored post on your Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest & other social networking sites. Before, I share additional details about sponsored reviews, check out these two excellent articles:

What is a Sponsored Review or a Sponsored Post?

Very often a blogger reviews products related to his niche on his blog and makes no money from the review. In a sponsored review, the blogger is paid for his posted review.

In order to be paid for a review, either the blogger reaches out to a potential advertiser who might be interested in buying a review on his blog, or the sponsor contacts the blogger directly, asking him to review a product in a sponsored post.

There are many pros and cons of sponsored posts, but if you engage in the practice of writing sponsored reviews in a professional and ethical manner, you will have the potential to make very significant amounts of money with these posts.

Let’s have a look at how you can be paid to write sponsored articles.

Note: Sponsored posts are being replaced by native advertising where you blend ads to make them look like part of the content. We won’t discuss native advertising here, as it is a completely different topic.

Just be aware that native advertising exists, as we look into the methods you can use in an effort to get sponsored reviews for your blog.

How to get sponsored reviews and make money

The best way to get started with sponsored reviews is by signing up for a  network that connects Advertisers & publishers. Here are some of the best-Sponsored reviews finding network in 2017

Have a well-designed blog  

Make a well-designed blog with the targeted audience. This way you can earn a significant amount of money with a single paid post. If your blog currently has a cluttered design, spend the next few hours making some changes to give your blog a profearance.

Make sure that you have a logo, and that your sidebar has important elements such as a subscription box, Facebook “Like” box, recent posts and other features which reflect your blog’s personality.

Once you have redesigned your blog to have a professional appearance, you can get to work on the following additional tasks:

Create an advertisement page

An advertisement page or media kit is one major way to get sponsored reviews. Create an effective media kit that shows what your blog is all about and what your advertiser can expect from it. Give the advertiser options for display of the ads, and offer the option of a sponsored review. The pricing for a sponsored review is usually more than it is for native ads.

Here are a couple of articles to give you some excellent information about media kits:

Reach out to potential advertisers:

This method involves exactly the same thing you would do to find direct advertisements, but in this case, your proposal would be for a sponsored review. Make sure you reach out to only those product owners who have a good reputation and whose products have good reviews. After all, you don’t want to endorse a bad product and lose the trust of your readers.

You can also ask for a review copy of the product or services to try so that you can offer an honest review. This is a touchy area where sponsored posts are concerned, and you need to manage this carefully. There may be times when all you really need to do is spread the news about a particular service or product, regardless of whether or not you have used it. In those cases, you must make sure not to insinuate that you have used the product if you have not done so.  Keep your reviews honest at all times.

Points to remember:

  • Choose only trusted products/brands/services for sponsored posts.
  • If you try a product and it is not a good product, deny the offer to review the product, staying clear of any association with a sub-standard or low-quality product.
  • Add a disclaimer to the post saying, “This post is sponsored by $Brandname”

By writing 2-3 sponsored reviews that are published, you can easily make $100-$500. Remember to always target advertisers who are related to your niche, bearing in mind that the trust of your readers is at stake.

You can join the Revcontent network to get a sponsored post for your blog or for your social media profile. When signing up, make sure to choose brand as an option if you are using your blog to advertise.

What has your experience been with sponsored reviews? How much money you have made, and do you know of any good ad networks for sponsored reviews?  Let us know in the comments section below!
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