Java: Definition

This language is one of the many tools essential for IT development. 
In the web, many developments are based on the use of this technology.

In computer science, what is Java? 

Java technology defines both an object oriented programming language and a computing platform. Created by the company Sun Microsystems (often just called "Sun") in 1995, and since taken over by the company Oracle in 2009, Java technology is inseparable from the field of computing and the Web. It is therefore found on computers, but also on mobile phones, game consoles, etc. The advent of the smartphone and the growing power of computers have led to a renewed interest in this programming language. 

Benefits and security of Java

Much of the syntax of the C ++ language, the object-oriented computer programming language Java enables the development of client-server applications. Applications developed in Java can run on different operating systems , such as Windows or Mac OS. However, plugins added to browsers may be necessary. Java and these plugins, present on very many machines, have known many security vulnerabilities , often serious and exploited. "The popularity of the Java runtime environment in browsers, and the fact that Java in browsers is independent of the OS , have made this language attractive to hackers ", 2013 Eric Maurice, Oracle software security manager (read How to disable Java to protect yourself from hackers? ).

What is the latest version of Java? 

Since its launch in 1995, Java has seen multiple versions and improvements. In recent years, versions of Java 7 and Java 8 , both existing in 64-bit and 32-bit Java versions , have been essential. Java 9 is currently in the works.

Java technology today brings together different standards, software and business communities. The term is one of the most widely used on the Internet and in the computer world. It was even used as a stock symbol on the Nasdaq by Sun.

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