History of The java programming


Java is an object-oriented programming language created by James Gosling and Patrick Naughton , employees of Sun Microsystems , with support from Bill Joy , co-founder of Sun Microsystems. Java was officially presented on May 23, 1995 at SunWorld. The Oracle company then bought the Sun company in 2009, which explains why this language now belongs to Oracle. The peculiarity and interest of Java lies in its portability between different operating systems such as Unix, Windows, or MacOS. A program developed in Java language can thus be executed on all platforms, thanks to its associated frameworks aimed at guaranteeing this portability.

A brief history of the Java language: The beginnings of Java with the Green Project

The Java project was born in 1991 , in the secret of a team of Sun Microsystem. Thirteen engineers sought to design a language applicable to small electrical devices (in embedded code). The Green Project was therefore launched to study the impact of the convergence between digitally controlled household appliances and computers . Using a syntax similar to that of C ++, they made a digital remote control , equipped with a graphic and animated touch screen. The result of several months of intense research , this remote control had the fantastic feature of controlling everything living room audio and video equipment . It was programmed in a new language, completely independent of the processor it was running on, thus making the remote control unique in its kind. Finally, it is James Gosling , one of the members of the Green Project, who is at the origin of this new language, which he called Oak . The name is said to be directly linked to his interest in the oak tree that he could glimpse from his office window. The project then developed, and American cable operators joined the project. Oak then becomes FirstPerson . No commercial success for FirstPerson, which was certainly too earlyin relation to industry, whose priority was above all profitability .

Photo: Team Green Project

From left to right: Al Frazier, Joe Palrang, Mike Sheridan, Ed Frank, Don Jackson, Faye Baxter, Patrick Naughton, Chris Warth, James Gosling, Bob Weisblatt, David Lavallee and Jon Payne

The arrival of the http protocol and the Mosaic browser

In 1993, we witness the arrival of the http protocol and the Mosaic browser , which was a crucial event for the project. It was during this period that the team realized that the Internet would be the ideal network to position their product. In 1995, James Gosling unveiled a browser called WebRunner capable of showing html content mixed with applets (= small application that is downloaded when visiting certain websites). The success was in progress as the threshold of 10,000 downloads was quickly reached. Things are taking their course: WebRunner becomes HotJava and the site java.sun.comofficially opens to the general public. Finally, the name of this technology will be Java (coffee in American slang) , in honor of the favorite drink of programmers, that is to say coffee , part of the production of which comes from the island of Java . It was then that Sun and Netscape announced their desire to integrate Java technology into their browser, which definitively launched the language. The versions will then follow one another from Java 2 in 1998 to Java 9 in 2016 .

The first concern of the designers of Java was the possibility of executing the same Java code on any machine or under any OS . The goal is to be able to download Java applets through the Internet and to be able to run them in your own browser. This is what will make the very strength of the Java language: its absolute compatibility . So, it would be quite possible to compile a Java program on a Windows machine, and run this code on a Macintosh. From version 2 to version 6 of Java, the Sun company released a major version of Java every two years, except between Java 6 and Java 7 (4 years). This dual wait between these two versions is explained by the fact that Sun was in a very bad financial situation in 2009. Year in which Oracle will acquire Sun . The buyout process is very long and will take a year. A year during which the development of the Java platform hardly progresses . The releases of Java are therefore disrupted by this takeover, and version 7 of Java did not come out until 2011. It will be noted that over the course of the different versions, the fundamental aspects of the language have changed little, even if they have been nonetheless. substantially supplemented by Java 5. However, the standard libraries(API) have evolved a lot, with many additions and modifications. The sets of specifications accompanying each standard version of Java have also evolved significantly (J2EE up to version 4 and JEE from version 5).

java-timelineWhy is Java so popular?

This language is popular mainly because it is the basis for most network applications This technology is used around the world to develop and deliver mobile and nested applications, games, web content, and business software. There are currently 9 million Java developers worldwide who use this technology to effectively develop and deploy applications and services of all kinds. From laptops to data centers, from game consoles to scientific supercomputers, from cell phones to the Internet, Java technology is present in every field .

From Oracle data:

  • 97% of corporate offices are running Java
  • 89% of offices (or computers) in the United States are running Java
  • 9 million Java developers worldwide
  • # 1 developer choice
  • Development platform n ° 1
  • 3 billion mobile phones run Java
  • 100% of Blu-ray players come with Java
  • 5 billion Java cards used
  • 125 million TV devices run Java
  • Top 5 Original Equipment Manufacturers Provide Java ME

java-logoOther reasons for this popularity

The Java language is object oriented . This makes the codes heavier at design but much more  structured  and  maintainable  later. Java has very handy APIs like string manipulation, image / sprite manipulation etc… It is a perfect language for a beginner which makes it so popular. Indeed, Java is a so-called “high level” language, that is to say that we do not worry about how to manage memory as with the C language for example. Everything is done “automatically”.

The Java language allows some part of the code to be compiled into native code for better performance . The Java APIs also have good documentation on the net and the Java community is of course huge. All this makes Java a very popular and widely used language, especially as it is constantly evolving due to its large user base.

Eternal leader of the Tiobe index for years

The Tiobe index measures the popularity of each language each month by operating on the basis of the number of web pages returned by a search engine, when the name of the programming language is submitted to it. A language that is talked about a lot on the net will therefore be a “popular” language for TIOBE. This index does not take into account the direct number of users of a language but rather the interaction that the language exudes on the Internet and the discussions that result from it. This popularity measured by Tiobe takes the form of a ranking of languages ​​each month. The Java language itself is at the top of the rankingfor years, since the amount of information about him is absolutely gigantic. It should be noted however, that the C language , which is similar to Java in its syntax, has a strong progression in the Tiobe index and is gradually getting closer to its Java colleague over time.



The first concern of the designers of Java was the possibility of executing the same Java code on any machine or under any OS . The goal is to be able to download Java applets through the Internet and to be able to run them in your own browser.  Evolution of Java versions over the years

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